There was a video game of this....
29 January 2020
Many years back, I played a Super Nintendo game called Dinocity. There was talks that it was based on some film that I have never heard of. Years later, thanks to the internet, I saw such movie.

It was terrible.

I'm sure kids will like it. This looks like the type of film I would love if I saw it was a kid. I'll watch the Super Mario Bros movie before I ever watch this thing again.

It's about three kids who gets sucked into an animated cartoon in a science lab and end up in a dinosaur world. They befriend some talking dinosaurs named Rex and Topps and have to stop another dinosaur named Mr Big and his band of cavemen.

The acting is really bad but the girl playing Jamie is hot. This is more for the kids as it's rather forgettable and I just watched it and I forgot most of the movie already.
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