Everyone giving 1 star yelling "PrOpAgAnDAaa!" PUH-lease😑
30 January 2020
All these 1 star reviews yelling "propaganda!".

First off, think about how much PRO-UKRAINE media you have seen or heard, and if not search for some as it's REALLY easy to find.

Yet all you guys are SO upset that a movie showing the OTHER SIDE of what we, as Americans especially, never see. The movie is a documentary that gives facts, it tells about the war, and the viewer should already know basically everything about PRO-UKRAINE arguments/beliefs/opinions.

So my question is, what's propaganda about showing the other side? It had it's moments that felt a little *intentionally* one sided, but 95% of it is just pro-Russian volunteers sharing their experiences and current life. HOW IS THAT PROPAGANDA? Even if it truly was propaganda, you should be smart enough to know that it is, so it shouldn't be able to do what propaganda is supposed to do, which is to change your opinion via extremely biased one sided media which this is NOT.

Again, let's just pretend this movie is 100% propaganda, not only is it the ONLY movie I know of that shows this side of the war, but compare that to the hundreds thousands of hours of media from MSM news, documentaries, movies, art work, newspapers etc that is PRO-UKRAINE. The difference in amount of content from one to the other is astronomical. So don't act like a doc on this subject, from this side, is a normal thing & once again, especially in America.

Just because you think it's propaganda does it mean it's bad quality deserving of one star? Absolutely not. These are REAL PEOPLE, WITH REAL FEELINGS, they aren't psychos they are just simply products of their environment with the main character at the beginning telling us his main reason why he volunteered which was the ATTACK carried out by NATO on the center of Belgrade, their Capitol, resulting in the DEATHS of THOUSANDS of CIVILIANS!

No matter which side you support, anyone with compassion and ability to try and see from another person's perspective would understand this snipers motivations, which was civilian deaths and fighting for what he believes in. That's respectable even if you don't agree with the side he is on.

This movie is NOT 1 STAR. Now if it was more like some North Korean type propaganda movie where they only show the good parts, lying about current conditions, giving you only one point of view through it's entirety. This isn't that, this shows all of the nitty gritty truths, just from one angle that probably 99% of you have never seen.

So stop, and enjoy a pretty dang good documentary from a point of view basically never seen before, at least not in my life.

We should always try to get both sides of a story right? For at the VERY LEAST, it will just strengthen your beliefs on which side is "right" in your opinion.

Watch the movie, have compassion for people who don't whine about 1st world problems on IMDB, HUMANS who are at WAR, watching their friends and family die where they live. Agree or not, it's called sympathy and understanding which are quite obviously traits that almost no one has anymore.

Watch it, it's the furthest thing from a 1 star documentary. FACTS.

PS. I'm Pro-Ukraine, even though that opinion is based on the very controlled and filtered propaganda we get thrown at us daily in the United States.

Pss. LOVE ONE ANOTHER, SHOW COMPASSION, AGREE TO DISAGREE, KEEP AN OPEN MIND, WORK TOGETHER AND HELP EACHOTHER DON'T RELY ON GOVERNMENT! If the majority of people in the world did all that, this movie probably wouldn't have even be able to be made.
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