First of all, it shouldn't be underestimated how making a Marvel film that feels like a leap forward,
18 February 2020
Retains some authorship, has relevance AND fits in with the MCU juggernaut, is a damn tough thing to do.

Secondly, Cap is a badass. Continuously badass. In this movie he speaks softly and carries a big stick. Chris Evans (easily Marvel's best characterisation) plays a wholesome, troubled heartthrob of a superhero. He's a very watchable actor, making this film look easy.

Yes, it does suffer from some overstuffed and CGI reliant third act claptrap, but even though I could see the twists a mile off, my girlfriend didn't, reminding me that these movies aren't just for comic aficionados.

Being a child of so many world, it's a miracle that Winter Soldier comes out as successful and revitalising as it does. It's the anti-Man of Steel: silly, loud, stuffed, but every cylinder is firing, everybody is on point and everything gels to create a cohesive thrillride.
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