Admirable But Slow No-Budget Horror
18 February 2020
Look, this movie is bad. Really bad, but there's something very endearing about it that keeps me from calling it a total wash out. The concept itself of a young girl arriving at a children's home and causing all sorts of bloody and awful events is an interesting one, but the script just isn't there yet. Of course, I could sit here and complain about the camerawork all day long, but this was obviously shot on VHS for about three bucks, so it never had a chance. Even with the biggest budget and best lighting in the world, video is never going to look good.

There's some ingenuity at play here and a few moments put a smile on my face, but even at 75 minutes, it seems a little long and padded - as if they just got their friends together and improvised the entire film in a weekend, leading to some endless scenes of rambling that are impossible to hear due to, I'm assuming, capturing the audio from the camera itself.

I still can't bring myself to hate Suffer, Little Children. It has grit and a spunky determination that got me through some of the slower moments.
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