Saint Joseph of Cupertino a humble gift man emissary of Jesus!!!
27 February 2020
Since when I was a child my Catholic grandmother used to tell every Saint's stories, those marvelous enchanting Jesus's apostles are scattered in many places around the world, Saint Joseph of Cupertino was one those gift humble guy, he was born with some lack of intelligence, but somehow with some sort of holiness, he never had any kind of backbiting, often saw the positive side only of all people around, an attribute hard to find in any period of time, the great Maximilian Schell was attracted to do this project by Edward Dymitryk just reading such story, decides at once playing the real Joseph, what a performance, if us didn't know that was Maximilian we should think that was somebody else, never him, also how a dumb guy devoid of cleverness became priest is another mystery, in fact the picture displayed, driven for some ocult forces, this lucky man, everything somehow conspired in his favor, about the levitation it already had made by own Jesus, actually it's one special gift allowed for pristine high spirits that Joseph fits perfect, a man without any flaws at his soul, the movie has a strong humor oriented, between the takes, unmissable movie about a man who was above of all religions!!


First watch: 2020 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 9
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