The Warning Signs Were All There ...
2 March 2020
I confess that when I saw that the male star of the movie was also its producer and director, the question did run through my mind "What, he couldn't get ANYONE to make this movie?", but then I told myself not to judge without seeing first. Then the introductory voiceover got evangelical, and again I wondered. I lasted 25 minutes. Hard to identify any single thing that made this movie unwatchable for me; most of all I think the writing was just SO awful, with cliche after cliche and dialogue that was just completely unreal (not in a good way). Also the characters were cardboard cutouts with no depth or believability. As is so often the case, the movie's basic idea could have been entertaining with a halfway decent script and characterisation. But even as someone who doesn't mind a bit of "cheesy" or "predictable " this was many steps too far.
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