Review of Flyin' Ryan

Flyin' Ryan (2003 Video)
So bad it's great!
10 March 2020
Something magical happened during my friends movie night get together, maybe it was the beers talking, but we all couldn't get enough of the charming silliness of "Flyin' Ryan" . Mostly it was because of the character of Nicki ,who stole the movie with one of the worlds most overly likable characters... I mean so likable its absurd. smart? Check. Will teach you how to swim? Check. Will run after motor biking bullies on foot just to save you? Check. Believes your magical ability to fly instantly? Check. Brings you flowers? Yup. As for "Flyin Ryan" himself who constantly has a look of shock as random things come loose above his head in perfect timing to scare him? Hes great too. How dare those bullies, especially one who dresses and looks like a young Guy Fieri , pick on him. Now if I can only find out if all those random night chores got finished I'd be complete...after all nighttime is the best time for weedwacking. Now I say grab some friends , some beer , some heelys, glue some bike reflectors to them and get ready for a good laugh. Capiche ?
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