a nice family drama with social message
25 March 2020
This movie is about how Person's suspicion, pride, anger, arrogance, stubborn can ruin the life.In this movie Rajesh Khanna and Shabana Azmi has given one of the finest acting for the role which i think no one can give full justice.This movie shows that in the life of husband's and wife's there are many ups and down but they should always trust each other,alwasy stand for each other and also give lesson to especially wife's that the husband family is also her family and she should always stand by them like she would stand by her own family.

In this movie arun kumar and nima are both in love with each other and get married.due to some mistake arun kumar lost his fortune and his father as well and begin living poor life.In this time also arun kumar duly does his role as good husband for his wife and a good son,brother for his step mother, sisters and brother by working hard.A rift begin between arun ,nima and her step mother because of their rude neighbor.one days nima's brother sees him with another woman and thinking he is cheating on her leaves him without thinking.Then for custody of the son nima takes arun to court and gets custody.even in this time also arun tries to reconcile with her but due to her arrogance,pride,anger,stubborn she doesn't care eventhough she still loves him.What happens after this is shown in movie. The main problem in this movie is nima being dependent upon her family even after being separated from her husband.She could have done some work for living but she is shown to be dependent upon her father,brother for living and raising her son. The story seems a bit unrealistic but it succeed in conveying the message.My rating is 8 out of 10.
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