In Foggy Old London Town!
29 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Scotland Yard Inspector" for some unknown reason was re-titled from it's more apropos original title "Lady In the Fog". It was also a rare opportunity for star Cesar Romero to take the starring role.

The brother of young Heather McMara (Bernadette O'Farrell) is run over by an unknown party in the heavy fog of London. She doesn't believe that it was an accident but has no proof otherwise. American magazine writer Philip O'Dell (Romero) comes to her aid. He brings her to Scotland Yard and Inspector Rigby (Campbell Singer) and Sgt. Reilly (Alistair Hunter) for help. They believe that the accident was a simple hit and run and not murder.

O'Dell's investigation consists of trying to trace McMara's last movements. He goes to a night club where he frequented and meets club owner Peggy Maybrick (Lois Maxwell) who cannot provide any help. O"Dell leans that McMara had worked for movie producer Christopher Hampden (Geoffrey Keen). He meets with him but learns nothing.

O'Dell traces McMara to a small town where a fire had occurred thirteen years earlier and where McMara had been asking questions. It seems a trio of workers had invented a new auto part which one of the partners wanted to give to the government. The other two partners murdered the third and disappeared with the invention.

One ex-partner, Martin Sorrowby (Lloyd Lamble) is found in an insane asylum. O'dell learns of the murder from Sorrowby but is soon silenced. O"Dell figures out that Hampden is one of the partners and that he has been ,married to the third, Margaret Maybrick, yes the same Maybrick that owns the nightclub under the name of Peggy. Margaret becomes friendly with Heather and tries to run her over as well but is thwarted in her attempt.

Hampden sends his thug Connors (Reed De Rowen) after O'Dell and..................

Cesar Romero rarely was given the lead role in a movie but gets it here but had to go to England to get it. He makes a formidable smart talking hero. Lois Maxwell whom you don't really see until the last half of the movie, is best remembered as Miss Moneypenny in the early James Bond Films. Bernadette O'Farrell is best remembered as Maid Marion in the long running Robin Hood TV series starring Richard Greene.
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