This is very much like a comic book
7 April 2020
While this is very much like a comic book, it's not very good.

The acting is lifeless. The deliveery of characters are very flat and monotone.

Editing is very choppy and whomever is handling the cameras has never heard of stabilizers or tripods or stands or even flat surfaces to sit a camera and make it function. Camera work is as if it was filmed while on a roller coaster ride. Shaking and a mess of all over.

Characters do little and the plot is almost non-existant.

Action sequences are lame. By now, the cast should know how to deliver lines and action...as most of the actors have been in enough shows to do it right.

It has so much potential - considering that this is the 3rd in a 4 part series, but falls so short.

Far too many characters to count, characters that stand around and are next to useless and with what little story there is, are just wasted like in the last 2 films.

I don't see much other change for the upcoming 4th movie - because the first 2 were of the same quality and they had more than 5 years to work on improving their production.

Much of the same crew and cast are on these film, and if the read the reviews here, they should realize what the problems are and how to fix it.

They all worked with enough fil people to solve the problems, it just seems like they don't care to.

Unless you are a fan of a particular actor or somebody in the cast of these films - they aren;t that enticing to watch and with the amount of other movies being made and put out for distribution on a weekly basis, this is easily passed and most likely gonna be turned off shortly after it's turned on.

Lots of potential from the first film to this one is just wasted on the same problems that I wrote - and others wrote.

Maybe somebody will finally utilize the complaints and fix the problems before they make their next film or disaster.
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