Review of Crip Camp

Crip Camp (2020)
Crip Camp (2020) - 8.6
27 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Act 1 - 8.1

Act 2 - 8.4

Act 3 - 9.4

This is a life changing moment in American history that I am glad to have learned about

Presented perfectly through archive footage at the camp by some of the campers and photos and news coverage

Film opens by introducing us to the campers and counselors at Camp Jened

We learn about the impact of the camp on everyone and the bonds that were formed

Camp gave these kids a platform to belong and express themselves and gain confidence to use in the real world

Judy took the inclusive philosophy and and used it to lead protests in NY, LA and DC to fight for the rights of disabled individuals

Shows the incredible lengths that were taken to fight for their rights and the significance of their moments of triumph

Film is very emotional and hit me very hard

A beautiful film that teaches acceptance and shows that anybody can do anything

Camp Jened really did help change the world and got laws paced in the American government to make the world a better place

A must watch to learn, experience and feel

60's kids being sent to institutions with disabilities

Summer camp run by hippies for kids with disabilities, changed lives

Camp near Woodstock in NY

Camp Jened

Great footage from the camp

Camp evolved from 50's to 60's to 70's to let kids be kids in the time and explore their freedom and coward way of thinking

Footage from one of the campers

About the counselor and the kids and the bonds

Free flowing place

Kids weren't integrated in normal classes and were put in special classes

About acceptance and understanding

Does focus on the kid who filmed a lot of the stuff

Romances bloomed

Current interviews looking at the past

Crab outbreak

Kids are pretty funny too, real personalities

Awesome community that built

Disability act wasn't passed yet and could keep out people because of it

Kids express their feelings and are open about them, no judgement

Sad when the summer camp would end and they had to leave their utopia to go back to the judgmental real world

Hard going back to the real world that is against them

One of the handicapped counselors gets news time for her political group to try and improve their lives

Judy started the group to try and help others

In NY see a piece on the terrible treatment of disabled kids in a hospital that is understaffed, horrible, heart breaking

The disabled institutions are truly heart breaking to see the mistreatment

Rehabilitation act of 72, section 504 an anti discrimination law against anybody, Nixon vetoed it because of cost

Disabled Inaction led by Judy started a protest in NY cutting off streets, awesome

All while Vietnam is going on so not much cover on them as all media is focused on the war

Protests are beautiful, fighting for equal treatment

Nixon signs the rehab bill but don't enforce section 504 which is supposed to help them

So many awesome stories and people connected to this camp and the Revolution

Berkeley became a great place for people from Jened, great place for disabled people

CIL in Berkeley was a new great place to help disabled people, the camp basically reunited there

Just wanted to live normal lives and got that opportunity in Berkeley

In 77 still fighting for section 504 with more protests

People didn't want to pay the money to make buildings accessible

Sustain a demonstration in the HEW headquarters to try and get their rights even though they try to force them out

Black Panthers helped with their protest because they are fighting for the same thing

Another reunion of people from Jened fighting for change

Judy made sure everybody was heard, great leader

Local media ignored the event except for one reporter who actually cared, helped get the word out there

Same fight as Brown vs Board of Education, just want to be equal

Emotional fight

Judy gives an amazing speech

Day 15 some leave the protest to go try and see the president, lead by Judy

FBI continues to mess with people protesting in San Fran 22 days

Awesome archive footage and photos

Paints a picture of the story beautifully

ABC finally shows the footage of the protests, national coverage now

Day 24 the regulations were signed, national coverage made the change

No fan gate but got the job done that would change their lives

Let handicapped people into public schools

Made the US government sign in a law, incredible

Federally funded places must be wheelchair friendly, so insane they changed the world

Had to fight Regan administration years later to make sure the rules were enforced, only made federally funded building follow the rules

Fight continues

Try to get a bill into congress to cover everywhere and everyone 1990

Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 passed by George HW Bush after more fighting

Everyone now equal under law it still need society to be accepting

Go back to the site of the camp that changed the world

51-77 the camp was open

Everyone goes back and sees each other

Larry Allison creates the amazing camp

Judy worked with the government to keep things goin and advancing for others

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