Review of Truman

Truman (1995 TV Movie)
12 May 2020
I recently read the tome "O Jerusalem!" by historical writers Larry Collins and Dominique LaPierre in which they also present the very important part Harry S Truman played in the recognition of the state of Israel in 1948. I was therefore interested to view the movie "Truman" to see if it would accurately portray the relationship between Truman and his very good friend and Jewish business partner Eddie Jacobsen. Although this was not a movie about Truman's position on the Jewish State, it's what got me interested in viewing it including the fact that I respect Gary Sinise as a very fine actor and wanted to see how he would portray Truman. He did not disappoint. He did a superb job in this role, honestly depicting a President who played a pivotal role in American history--a role thrust upon him but which he very ably filled. Diana Scarwid as Bess Truman was also superb. I loved her line to the female press who interviewed her when she first came to Washington. These eager reporters were expecting the access to Bess Truman that they had enjoyed with Eleanor Roosevelt. Bess, who hated the limelight, was clearly uncomfortable during her interview and when pointedly asked if this interview would be the first of many, Bess Truman set them straight that this would be the first, and the last! Brilliant movie, excellent acting and a very accurate portrayal of the historical characters and the era in which they lived and exercised profound influence.
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