Doctor Who: The Temple of Evil (1964)
Season 1, Episode 27
The Temple of Evil
15 May 2020
The TARDIS arrives in early 16th century Mexico. The travelers are soon cut off from the TARDIS, but Barbara is mistaken for the reincarnation of the goddess Yetaxa.

The Aztecs has a deservedly high reputation among Doctor Who fans, and "The Temple of Evil" is a fantastic opening episode. As the only one of John Lucarotti's three episodes for the series to survive, it's a treat. His writing is great, and the main cast are all on top form. Keith Pyott gives a touching performance as Autloc and John Ringham a suitably Shakespearean one as Tlotoxl. Then there's Barry Newberry's sumptuous set design, Daphne Dare's excellent costumes and Richard Rodney Bennett's exquisite incidental music.

However, the direction is terrible and there's a really bad fight scene. The camera work is incredibly bad; the camera actually bumps into a piece of scenery towards the end of the episode and the director seems to have trouble keeping the actors in frame occasionally.
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