Review of Aerials

Aerials (2016)
A movie made by aliens
23 May 2020
I was tricked into this film, being shown the Netflix screenshot and a description that seemed to evoke a movie in the style of "District 9" right when the aliens arrive.

Instead, the vast majority of the film takes place inside the house of one of, if not the dumbest couple in the UAE, primarily speaking English.

A whole lot of it is just arguing between Omar and his wife, Omar's Wife, according to IMDB credits. Their acting ability is nonexistent, but that's actually a positive because it makes their performances of the abysmal dialogue absolutely hilarious.

The dialogue and writing is some of the worst I've ever heard, not just structurally clunky or confusing, but in large part feeling as if either written for a completely different non-sci-fi movie, or else written by people who have never been outside and never read a book that wasn't non-fiction.

The main overarching theme of the film is questioning the motives of the aliens who have arrived over Dubai and spend several days doing nothing, all the while the phone coverage goes out, followed by electricity, and then car batteries.

Omar and his wife, Omar's Wife, along with occasional newscasts, speculate on the motives of the aliens and whether they might be hostile or not. Omar even goes outside to discuss this question with some other people out in the neighborhood who are much smarter than him and with much better critical thinking skills than Omar, including guy in a car who figures the aliens want Earth's resources and are content to slowly take apart human telecommunications and other technologies until we're vulnerable.

Omar's Wife, meanwhile, starts suspecting that an alien is breaking into the house and standing around terrifying her. Omar, living in an emergency situation wherein alien spaceships are hovering over their city and have severed all communications with the outside world, thinks this is the absolute dumbest possible explanation for what she's experiencing.

Other arguments between the two have the tenor of someone who knows how couples fight and argue, but not what they actually argue about, as one argument in particular takes place after Omar's Wife is frightened and falls out of her wheelchair, and when Omar comes home, Omar's Wife is furious that he left her alone for so long while Omar is perplexed because he's not the one who knocked her out of her wheelchair so why is she angry at him.

This kind of idiocy and moronic lapses of logic permeate the film to the point where these irredeemable morons are on the brink of disbelieving there's anything unusual going on WHILE AN ALIEN SPACECRAFT HOVERS OVER THEIR ISOLATED CITY.

In the end, without spoiling the film, the alien motivation is revealed to be consistent with one of the many theories discussed, and is not only ignored by the World's Dumbest Couple, but Omar continues to be suspicious as to whether the events that happen actually happened, essentially operating on the level of baby logic of "If I can't see it, it does not exist"
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