A "Spoon-fed" Biography
23 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As a serious film fan, I loved so many of Natalie World's performances, along with millions of other people, of course. However, I must point out it really seems like her daughter is spoon feeding questions to Robert Wagner. Of most importance are the circumstances of how she died. It seems obvious that Robert Wagner really soft peddles how truly intoxicated he was. The coroner's report is particular bad. By this I mean he was not completely honest about how much alcohol she had in her system; drugs as well. He undervalued this when her body was recovered. In the film, everyone acts like Robert Wagner and was simply "tipsy". I think he was hammered. As far as Natalie herself, all they mention besides alcohol is the prescription for Dalmane; a sleeping aid. However, we are shown the entire list of medications she had prescriptions for (from the coroner's report) for several seconds). She also had prescriptions for Placidyl, Valium & other drugs. Placidyl alone is an extremely powerful hypnotic - sedative. It is much stronger than Dalmane. If she combined more than one of these drugs with "who knows" how much alcohol, Natalie would be smashed as well. Wagner admits punching Christopher Walken (who is noticeably absent from this). To this day, Walken refuses to talk about it. After watching this in it's entirety, I came away with the strong feeling that Mr. Wagner is not being fully forthcoming. I'm not saying he killed her. However, I do think he is leaving out some information. Ms. Wood's daughter narrated this film, and she is the person asking the "hardest questions" of Robert Wagner near the end of the film. She asks them of him the same way a defense attorney would ask questions of a client: As kindly as possible. Of course there are numerous family and friends who have regrets. All in all, the questions surrounding her death are answered in a manner which seems to be "not authentic". Something is missing. Enough said.
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