The Visit (1964)
28 May 2020
Comeuppance is a tasty dish when it comes calling for those that have it coming and we get to watch. This movie delivers it up and you get your fill. Who doesn't like to see justice done? Wrongs righted? What money can buy? What it can't buy? As we are experiencing this and more, our emotions get on a roller coaster starting with a slow introduction that catches you off guard so that it can sneak in the hook that will capture you but good soon enough. It does! From that point on, the wonderous dynamic that I enjoy asking when watching a quality film or reading a book of adventure kicks in: What would you have done? Why? That too is presented for your pleasure and there is plenty to consider from all points of view. An added dynamic is the fact that the injured party is a woman who suffers indignities, shame, humiliation, degradation and more only to not only live through it all but emerge as a sort of champion. Now it can be argued in the opposite way but that is what life is all about i.e. sometimes you have to choose a side. In the Count of Monte Cristo, a similar injustice takes place and a very neat full circle of closure comes about. I say bravo and say this too: Be careful with people and how you treat them not just for the obvious reasons but to remember we all got to where we are with the help of others...lots of others. As for pain and sorrow, inflict not on anyone for life does that without asking. Help people where you can if you can but hurt no one as you journey or else you may get A VISIT.....
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