The Old Guard (2020)
Forever old
10 July 2020
In 1986, Highlander was released and at one point in the soundtrack Freddie Mercury hailed the question Who Wants To Live Forever? Which was true for Highlander, and is true for The Old Guard, when an outfit of meecenaries all centuries old immortals fight to keep their secret hidden. Led by Charlize Theron's Andromache the Scythian (her friends call her Andy) who could have even lived as far back as the ancient Macedonians, strives to keep her powers and the powers of their team strictly their own. Just that bit of plotting alone works for the film, it's entertaining fast paced action sequences that clearly comes from Theron's training as Atomic Blonde, and she kicks ass, literally. The fight sequences are incredibly filmed. Unfortunately the film is brought down by its conventions into other genres making it feel a bit restricted, but thankfully director Gina Prince-Bythewood brings a sophisticated and we'll made vision into the superhero genre and Theron is yet again brilliant in the fight scenes. It's not great and not exactly a memorable plot, but thankfully unlike it's 1986 immortal cousin there's actually something to like here and it's better than the whole Highlander series. But then that wasn't exactly a hard ladder to climb.
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