A Special Day (1977)
12 July 2020
The film opens with original b/w footage of Hitler's late 1930s triumphant visit to Rome and it is surprising how much footage is shown and how enthusiastic the Italian crowds are. It is, however, a superb curtain raiser to the main story, very simply told and in colours so muted they must have looked b/w themselves on any video release, should it have had one. Set and mainly filmed in an early 30s built apartment block by Mario De Renzi in the Viale XXI Aprile, Rome, in a project known as 'Federici Palaces'. The splendid art deco like building provides a wonderful setting reflecting at once modernity and conformity. Our story begins with Sophia Loren ushering her large family off to join in with the Nazi celebrations and follows her as she chases her escaped myna bird to one of the only other residents left behind, played by Marcello Mastroianni. There is an obvious chemistry between the two actors despite the evident strain being acted out and it is both captivating and completely involving as we watch a fragment of a relationship flicker to life whilst in the background, throughout almost the entire film, we have the radio broadcast of the parade and speeches and singing. It is as heartrending as it is affecting and the combination of the knowledge of the impoverished peoples lining the streets in adulation as the two left behind seek out common ground of a more human perspective makes for a very moving experience. Director Ettore Scola was a writer/director and combined the making of silly Italian comedy films with those he felt more passionate about, dealing in particular with a dislike for impoverished men and women being led in directions against their better interests. Here we surely have his finest work. The script is perfect, the cinematography wondrous, both in the cramped interiors and up and about the impressive residential block and Loren and Mastroianni as good as you will ever see them. Perfect.
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