30 July 2020
-(Who done it?) theme is one of the most entertaining themes for me, so did I enjoy that movie? well yes!

-Movies with this theme either try to help the viewer by pointing on a character then reveal another character as the criminal, pointing on a character then reveal him as the criminal or not pointing on anyone then reveal the criminal. The creativity in telling such this story is to make the reveal moment a huge thing, plot twisted moment and MAKE SENSE.

-The first act was good nearly great, the script was organized, the writer focused on setting up the crime, it was all good 'till the last half of second act everything started to be messed up, starting from the mystery solving it was childish and illogical, then things got confused and I started to ask myself "What did just happen? What is he saying? What are you talking about?", then a flood of "Deus ex machina" that happened about 3 times last 20 minutes

-I enjoyed the movie but it could be a way better.
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