City of Salt (2020)
Refreshing and Bold
12 August 2020
It is nice to see someone willing and able to bring taboo subjects out in the open. Many people in the country are lost in trauma because people don't understand or aren't willing to listen to their experiences. Life is messy and doe not come in a perfectly wrapped package with a large gold bow. Alicia Farmer creates an amazing story that reflects the real life struggles between society and the individual as it bridges difficult and painful subjects and brings them to the screen. This movie is bold and unapologetic as it unfolds issues that many people are afraid to discuss or acknowledge. The script, directing, and cinematography are incredible. The actors portraying youth in the film are outstanding. Big things in store for young Lauren Holdt as she advances her career. Enjoyed performances by Adriano Wellington and Kayli Brummer. I encourage people to watch this with an open mind and loving heart.
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