Project Power (2020)
Stable Power
14 August 2020
You might have all heard the phrase, if you could have one superpower, what would it be? Well Netflix's Project Power takes that phrase literally, when a pill arrives on the streets of New Orleans that can give you any power for five minutes, whatever that power is, you could be fast, invisible, impervious to bullets or have super strength. The only downside to the pill, it's a lottery, the power could be bad. It's 50/50, and that'll be your main thought through the film to, the action is good, it's fast paced, gritty and it's fun, Jamie Foxx, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Dominique Fishback give punchy performances and are hugely likeable characters, the direction is competent too. The main problem is the script, it feels as if it was just a drafted script and not fully checked through and directors Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman probably said to the writer, it doesn't matter is the script is good. But sadly that is Project Power's main problem it struggles to make sense of what the film is trying to be. It wants to be a film about superpowers, and it pulls that off really well, but it doesn't have the same dramatic core as other films about superpowers. Albeit, the rest of the film is punchy, it's gritty, it's fast paced and a rollicking good time, if you don't watch it for the script. In conclusion it's good but forgettable.
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