Eye Opener
15 August 2020
I have no idea how to begin but, I know how I end so, the end is probably the beginning. I speak as an Irishman so, take what I say in your own way.

It's interesting that these people are hell bent in owning animals that start with African, Burmese, Mexican, etc. which are not native to America yet, have no problem with the virtual extinction of America's native species; Buffalo, Couger, et al.

It's also interesting that in the current American climate, Animals have more right to ingress to America, than humans; and these animals don't even have rights in the first place. Strange that.

I abhor animal captivy however, I must make exceptions with regards to Zoos. They have been around for over 200 years, most current species on show are derieved from their ancestors therefore, mass release would actually cause more harm to them than good. Thankfully, the past 20 years or so have changed attitudes regarding Zoos, it's just a pity that nothing has changed regarding human nature and wild animals.

Derogatory remarks on a postcard please, I have rolls of toilet paper.
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