Nothing particularly noteworthy about this one other than the setting.
30 August 2020
I've seen a few dozen Gene Autry films, so because of this I could tell that this was just an okay movie and he was capable of much better. Now this isn't to say it's bad...but apart from the supposed location, there isn't much to distinguish this one...particularly the music.

The story begins in Montana near the Canadian border. Gene's partner, Steve (Tully Marshall) is riding to town when he comes upon a group of fur smugglers. They kill him and only later do Gene and Frog find him. The dead man has scratched an 'HH' on the rock near him....and it looks like the brand used by a nearby ranch. What's next? See the film.

Apart from seeing a few Mounties and a sled dog chase, the film is pretty much a by the book sort of thing with a few okay songs. Nothing bad about it...nothing particularly good either. Great for fans of Autry films...but others might want to find one of his better ones to see first, such as "Tumblin' Tumbleweeds" or "In Old Santa Fe".

By the way, 'Montana' in the film is actually Lone Pine, California--where most of Autry's westerns were filmed. Amazingly enough, this part of California is due east of Los Angeles...yet had mountains, rugged terrain and snow much of the year...perfect to substitute for many locales ranging from Mexico to Canada.
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