About what I expected from this film
27 September 2020
An incredibly pointless, dull, and incoherent sequel- The Boy II makes the worst of its charisma from the last film, and offers absolutely nothing new or worth your time to the fullest extent. There are many flaws with this film, so I will start with the positives. Katie Holmes tries her best. Granted her lines, character, and situations her character gets into can all be rather predictable- but she does give the performance all she can, and I have to give her credit for at least trying. Besides that, this film is honestly a joke. Most of my complaints of this film come from the films final act, but the first two acts of this film are incredibly dull and provide nothing but a dragged out setup to make this film even exist in the first place. It feels like a cash grab so often, that I honestly wondered if anyone making this film behind the camera did it for any other reason than money. Finally, the main issue I wanted to address, was the last third of this dreaded film. Not only does this film contradict the original in so many ways that it begs some questions, but it also contradicts itself. There are a few moments to the end that clearly make no sense, with the dad acting like he just found out about everything he had already been told. Not only is this moment ridiculous, and serve only as a reason for him to come into the frame when needed, but the constant illogical measures it goes through trying to counter the original film is incredibly annoying and honestly ruins it all together. I won't spoil what they did exactly, but needless to say it doesn't make any sense, as with the very last scene of the film where all logic just seems to be completely thrown out the window. In the end, Brahms: The Boy II is a completely useless and forgettable sequel that really is better left for the bargain bin at your local Walmart than in any major theater. Trust me, if you are a fan of the first film, enjoy horror, or just like even remotely good films, don't see this one. Chances are you'll have the very same response. My Rating: 2.5/10
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