The Lie (2018)
8 October 2020
Yes, the title of my caption is "MAJOR PLOT HOLE" cause there is in fact a major plot hole. Even still, I have given it quite a high rating of... 6 and yes that is high for this film.

That being said, for me, it isn't the destination of a film that affects me, it's the ride. And this story had a really good ride, plot holes aside! It also had a really good moral for today's young ones with first world problems.

I watched this one with my girlfriend, and all we could ask each other through every situation that occurred in the movie is... WHAT WOULD YOU DO??! For a movie to question yourself like that, is fantastic! I love questioning myself based on compelling characters in a movie. And believe me, the characters were compelling! The performances given by all the actors were beyond excellent! There wasn't a minute when I didn't feel as though any of it wasn't real.

This particular film puts you in a more than likely real life situation (and I say more than likely because I believe that this does happen in real life more often than not), you question whether you would make the same decisions or what would you have done differently which is always a key element to story telling!

For the fact of the major plot hole, it has to do with a certain cellular phone. No child/teenager would ever leaver their phone nor leave it shattered in order to create an alternate scenario to their case. However, young psychos do exist. Parents... check your kids!

All in all, I loved this story telling. It kept us wanting to know what was going to happen next every step away.

Yes, there were certain stupid actions taken by certain characters, after which a certain character said NO DON'T DO IT, but there wouldn't be a story without it.

I'm trying to be ambiguous as possible not to spoil anything for anyone but yup. That's it.
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