Review of Malicious

Malicious (2018)
Not "Malicious", but Inane.
16 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A young college math professor receives an unexpected but lucrative offer to teach at a new college. He and his very pregnant wife move to a new house, which is, of course, in the deep and spooky woods. The math professor is Adam, played by Josh Stewart, and the wife is Lisa, played by Bojana Novakovic.

After his first lecture at his new college and classroom, Adam meets the head of his department, the blind Dr. Clark, played by Delroy Lindo. After an amiable introduction, they exchange views on the application of logic. Adam is very clinical in his opinion and approach, and Dr. Clark is a bit more cavalier in his opinion and interpretations of logic.

Meanwhile, at this same approximate time, Lisa manages to open an antique wooden box that she and Adam were previously unable to open. Shortly thereafter, Lisa goes for a jog in the woods near the house. Along her path, she finds a woman weeping. Lisa approaches the woman, and sees that the front of her dress is covered with blood. The mystery woman tearfully advises Lisa to lose her baby, not to care for it. Upset by this encounter, Lisa turns and goes home. Once there, she calls Adam to tell him about the encounter. Upon hearing of the encounter, which terribly upset his beloved wife, Adam jokingly asks the distraught Lisa if this mystery woman was playing a banjo, and if she had all of her teeth. Even the legendary "Star Trek" character Mr. Spock wasn't as devoid of emotion as Adam is.

Lisa ends up suffering a miscarriage and loses the baby. She and Adam are both told that there was significant internal trauma incurred during the miscarriage, and that Lisa will never be able to have children again. While Lisa is in the hospital, her younger sister Becky, played by Melissa Bolona, arrives, ostensibly to take care of Lisa. It becomes quickly apparent that Becky and Adam don't care much for one another. Adam views Becky as a scatterbrained occultist with wide-ranging views, and Becky sees Adam as cold and unfeeling.

Adam and Becky take Lisa home, and it takes Becky all of two minutes to lasciviously and overtly drool over one of Adam's interns, Eddie.

Lisa begins to experience increasingly eerie and macabre phenomenon in the house, and so does Becky, who is assaulted by her own reflection in a full length mirror. Becky decides not to tell Lisa about this. In the meantime, Adam agrees to a paranormal investigation of the house, lead by the blind Dr. Clark.

That evening, Adam comes home to find Lisa crying and distraught. Becky has gone missing. Adam tells Lisa not to worry, as Becky has always been erratic and flighty, almost completely unreliable. They then decide to make love, and during coitis, Adam suddenly and sporadically sees another woman on top of him, and not Lisa. Adam does not know this, but the mystery woman riding him like a rodeo star is the same woman that Lisa met in the woods just prior to the miscarriage. We know this because she is not playing a banjo, and she has all of her teeth.

Dr. Clark comes to the house and makes like a cross between Uri Gellar and Charles Xavier of the X-Men. He is able to somehow sense that the box that Lisa opened is on the fireplace mantel behind him. Going to the box, he announces that Lisa did not suffer s miscarriage, but that instead, she killed the baby when she opened the box. Lisa takes this revelation remarkably well, and it is the cold and clinical Adam who becomes angry and throws Dr. Clark out of the house.

Subsequent to this, Adam is basically raped in the shower by the mystery woman, who transforms into a hideous hag. Shaken by this, Adam allows Lisa to convince him to bring Dr. Clark back to the house to conduct a thorough paranormal investigation.

This movie is inane on virtually every possible level. Adam is the archetypical emotionally distant husband who clings more to math and logic than he does to Lisa, his wife. Dr. Clark is portrayed as a metaphysical guru who just somehow has all of the answers, all of the time. And oh, by the way, the organically and practically blind Dr. Clark is possessed of clairvoyance... a sort of psychic sight. He is able to see and converse with the malicious entity during a psychic episode. The answer is to somehow get the entity back into the box, which Dr. Clark has identified as a Mayan fertility box.

The previous tenants of the house, James and Emily Spencer, went through the same experiences as Adam and Lisa. Lisa recognizes a photograph of Emily as being her mystery woman. Emily was killed by James, who is in prison. Adam and Lisa visit James in prison, to see if he can tell them how to put the entity back into the box. James tells them that the only way to do so is to kill Lisa.

And Lisa agrees.

On the way home from the prison, Lisa makes her argument on why she needs to die. Adam is attacked by the hag from the shower while driving and crashes the car. He wakes up after a time and finds that Lisa is gone. He makes his way home to find Becky has returned, and that she has been possessed by the entity. For some reason, Adam keeps having visions of his intern, Eddie, banging Becky against the tailgate of a pick-up truck, in the rain. He has this vision again, goes outside to investigate, and finds Eddie dead. He goes back into the house and finds Lisa, who is now babbling about needing to love and nuture and protect the entity, as Dead Emily had warned her NOT to do. Now, Lisa is possessed by the entity, and she stabs Adam in the stomach with a butcher's knife. Despite this Adam is able to battle the old hag, who suddenly appears and attacks him. He physically tries to stuff an adult-sized Old Hag back into the fertility box, which burns her. She rushes at Adam again, and he stabs her through the abdomen with a fireplace poker. Surprise! The old hag turns into Lisa, who begs Adam to kill her. He does.

Dr. Clark visits Adam in prison. Adam was tried and convicted of killing Lisa because she discovered that he was having an affair with one of his students, despite the fact that there wasn't a single shred of evidence of any such affair. Dr. Clark tells Adam that the police were unable to find the Mayan fertility box. Adam tells Dr. Clark not to worry, he knows where the box is. He sent it back to where it came from. The last scene is of a now pregnant Becky, about to open the box.

This movie is rife with loose ends, and offers no explanations as to most of the main plot points. It isn't "Malicious"; it's idiotic, and inane.
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