Review of Roadkill

Roadkill (2020)
We all know why the hate for this...
20 October 2020
Looks to me like this could be an intriguing, slightly fun British political drama that has some very topical points to make on the seediness and corruption within our political system. It's not something that only happened in the 80's and 90's like many of the low score reviewers on here are saying...It's always been there and depressingly probably always will...especially from one side. Just start reading some papers that aren't owned by billionaires. These obnoxious, self serving career politicians fill one side of our political system and we all know it. The more dramas or documentaries that come out and address, uncover, investigate or hopefully in the case of this little drama let people into the world of some of the seedy little people that have been elected on the ticket of a caring, working class Tory pretending to give a voice to and help their "people" only to go on to look after themselves and feather the nests of their Cronies. Here's hoping it gets even better.
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