Review of Grand Army

Grand Army (2020)
A complex, realistic high school drama and a great depiction of the current Zeitgeist
21 October 2020
Considering the diverse storylines this series is so on point, well balanced and showen by very good, mostly fresh, young and thankfully natural looking actors; on top of it with great animation parts.

The covered topics are (in no particular order): adolescence, school and education system, social system, justice system, (first) love, (first) sex, hetero-homo-bi-sexuality, feminism, terrorism, rape, immigration, racism...

Of course everything is shown from the US-American perspective. Nevertheless many topics are international and surely relatable in one or another way for many viewers.

Don't want to spoil anything, but especially one controversial rape scene beside other important topics seems to devide viewers already. And this again shows the struggle of many countries societies, not only the USA, to cope with sensitive subjects like this in an appropriate and reasonable way.

Regarding this the rating by demographic on IMDB (current average 6,3) is very interesting: some, or better said for sure too many men and even women still might need to learn a lot about the difference between consensual sex and rape.

Finally to all the "this is woke and pc bs" h/raters: fortunately your twisted perception will die out slowly but steadily... at least this is what the statistics show too ;)

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