Brutally HILARIOUS from start to finish
5 November 2020
Corny Casanovas is absolutely one the best offerings from the Shemp era, a must see for all Shemp fans (like me). Unlike some examples of Shemp's tenure with the group that many fans find lacking, Corny Casanovas never slacks up, packing in gag after gag after gag at a breakneck pace. The film includes a couple of noteworthy scenes that deserve unquestionably the highest accolades as some of the most memorable scenes in Stooge history. First, Moe getting a buttfull of tacks shot from an automatic rifle ranks easily with the funniest moments in their entire catalogue, and the scene is pushed even further when the boys start ripping out the tacks to the sound effect of pulling nails from an ancient oak beam. And later, Moe taking a fireplace bellows, shoving it into an unconscious Larry's mouth and pumping his belly full of soot is only topped when he puts his foot on Larry's swollen stomach and pushes out a volcano of soot. The very definition of pure comedy gold. But in addition to these two scenes, the film loosens a string of endless side gags, sound effects, and puns to fill nearly every hilarious moment of screen time. And finally, the entry takes things to the next level with an appearance of one of the Stooges' classic femme fatales, Connie Cezon, as their conniving shared girlfriend who "knew they were coming so she *baked* a cake"! Just brilliant. In closing I'll say I can't recommend this one enough. Full-on 10/10, one of the very best from the Shemp era. Watch and enjoy!
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