Triggered (I) (2020)
This Audio-Visual product deserves the Oscar for most zooms
6 November 2020
Do not let the cool poster trick you. This product is bad.

Here is the thing that ruins this product: They do not consider to remove the Vests.

The actors are bad and unbelievable. There is not a single character. Everyone is just a "one-sentence" summary or just a prop. A lot of repeated and/or meaningless dialog. The writing is next level awful. There are so many continuity errors, it is unbelievable. Camerawork is really cheap. Editing is just a bunch of quick cuts. It is impossible to know what is happening. (Drink every time the editor does a digital zoom) The story makes no sense. Just joking, there is none. They just run aimlessly in the woods. This "video-game" thing that is going on, is extremely cringe and makes no sense.

For a thriller, there is very little that actually happening. There is no tension and if there is any, the bad dialog and editing just makes it comedic.

It is like a D-Version of Saw.

The only positive is, that I got some really good laughs out of it. Not intentional by this product.
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