Review of Wayne

Wayne (2019)
Great thrill-ride, but even more than meets the eye
8 November 2020
This show says a whole lot about class and privilege in a liberal democracy, and says it with all cylinders firing.

I grew up decidedly on the wrong side of the tracks, but I was gifted and managed to rise above my financial beginnings to something much better (no electricity cut off in the middle of the summer, no skipped meals because we had no food, etc.).

But I'm still haunted, like when I get upset my carefully constructed accent falls apart and I sound like the kid from the hood I am. I'm still haunted often by feelings that I'm a fraud, that I'm not good enough, etc., even after a successful career full of achievement and leadership positions on more boards and committees than I can remember, yet I've known in some folks' minds I'll never be good enough, just trash from the wrong side of the tracks regardless of what I accomplish and the change for good I make on this planet.

This show not only stirred all that stuff back up, but really made me look at it all through fresh eyes somehow, and helped answer some long nagging questions about identity, social mobility, and sometimes having so many strikes against you right from birth that if you aren't extremely lucky and smart, you aren't going anywhere. It wasn't explicitly a social critique, but that's what made the message even more effective.

I love shows, I hate shows, but rarely do I feel indebted in some way to art, but I feel a genuine debt of gratitude to "Wayne". I couldn't recommend it enough.
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