Review of Triggered

Triggered (I) (2020)
Get triggered
14 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film has been done many times before. The best example of this is the classic Battle Royale & to a lesser extent & arguably inferior Hunger Games.

It follows the same premise in that a bunch of friends are pitted against one another with the end goal is that there can be only one surviver. Each character has a bag strapped onto their bodies (that cannot be removed without an explosive consequence) with a timer that counts down & they die when said counter reaches zero a bomb goes off... All the participants have different available/remaining time on their counter but can inherit the remaining time of others onto theirs if they choose to kill other contestants.

There is a reason for this wicked game but I shall not ruin the twist... The characters were so clichéd but that's to be expected. There is one person among this group of reluctant participants that is a killer & also one that is the catalyst for this killing game to be designed & implemented.

It is watchable although one of the stoic character beggers belief in that his friends are trying to murder him yet he tries to appeal to their humanity & convince them to not do it. It also shows the length to be which a seemingly "ordinary" person will go to ensure their own survival in this enforced predicament. It is watchable if nothing else.
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