Review of Triggered

Triggered (I) (2020)
What's wrong with putting ice in milk?!?
25 November 2020
Interesting concept. The comparisons to Battle Royale aside, thank you for at least trying something new(ish) and not recycling something old and tired. The production values are pretty good as well. That means real cameras, and not cell-phone quality junk. And real shots, not handheld shaky cam. The plot is actually pretty good. Once you get to the 'reason' everyone gets strapped up. It's not just a crazy guy with a grudge (and some pretty good explosive and tech skills).

The acting is a mixed bag. Some scenes called for more experience and it shows that these are all not veteran actors. The characters start off REALLY not likeable. I know it's intentional so that the viewer either doesn't form a connection to them or doesn't feel bad when they (possibly) die, but some of them are over-the-top douchey. They do get more depth later, which is refreshing and not usual for this type of movie. The dialog swings from typical barely out of adolescent nonsense to serious conversations about mental illness to some intentionally funny moments. There are some misses, but mostly it all fits pretty good.

Girl 1: "You don't wanna kill me!" Girl 2: "Yes I do!" Girl 1: "That's the herpes talking!"

Overall, I wasn't expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised and liked it.
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