Review of Peacock

Peacock (2010)
Insane and worth a watch
28 November 2020
This film doesn't even try to avoid its glaring credulity issue; it just puts it right in your face and expects you to swallow your disbelief. Once you're able to do that....Well, things get even crazier. But it held my attention, thanks to Cillian Murphy's excellent performance. Murphy's character clearly has Oedipal issues stemming from his dead nut case mother. He's socially withdrawn and lives in a creepy house. We learn that he has mental problems and a split personality. Sound familiar? Murphy even looks like Tony Perkins. But this not a horror flick, although it's every bit as weird as _Psycho_ and there is a murder toward the end. I can't explain what it actually is--a character study, I guess. It's so bizarre, and it's so well done, I couldn't help but appreciate it. It infuriates me that films like this get no attention while insipid Hollywood pap gets millions in promotion dollars. No, it's not a perfect film, maybe not even a great one, but it's creative and it takes chances. Watch it, shaking your head in disbelief, and be entertained.
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