The Hardy Boys (2020–2023)
A Good Update and Should be Watched: Overall an Enjoyable Mystery Series
5 December 2020
I have been a Hardy Boys fan since I was ten and bought The Tower Treasure in 1956 at our local department store. In the first few Hardy Boy books, the boys rode motorcycles and carried 45's. As I continued to read the series, the boys became somewhat more wholesome. And younger, in the first few books Frank was 18 and Joe was 17; suddenly they were 16 and 15. Strangely, the age shift didn't bother me as the adventure kept me in thrall.

I like this version even though the city name is wrong, it should be Bayport; and I'm not happy with the age difference between Frank and Joe. The story here is good with some genuine mystery and menace. It's as much Hardy Boys as any and better than any of the other TV series that borrowed the name. I hope for a second series, but I fear a few of the actors will age out quickly.

I used to write fan letters to F.W.Dixon in care of the publisher. Someone always wrote back, and the letters were signed, F. W. Dixon. My son read my collection of books. And now I am hoping my grandchildren will read the books and become fans. Maybe watching the Hulu version of The Hardy Boys will spark an interest.

I do have few problems with this series. The story is good and the acting is fine. However, I have some casting issue. Rohan Campbell, who is 23, looks 30 and is too old for Frank Hardy. Alexander Elliot, Joe Hardy, looks 16 and not 12 and should be Frank. And Bea Santos, Aunt Trudy, who is 30 and looks 20 and should be dating Frank. Other than that, I do like the series. It has a nice noir quality to it that helps create just the right atmosphere.

And for the truly ancient, like me, watch for grandmother Gloria. She is played by Linda Thorson, who had the unenviable job of replacing Diana Rigg, Mrs.Emma Peel, on The Avengers. The TV show staring Rigg and Patrick Macnee as John Steed. "Mrs.Peel, we're needed."
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