The Scarlet A's
6 December 2020
The movie is part of what I call Demi Moore's bad movie trilogy (this includes Striptease and GI Jane). The Scarlet Letter is a little better than GI Jane but not as good as Striptease.

I read the Scarlet Letter in high school and I didn't like the book. Parts of it I found boring and the actions of the men in the book frustrated me. The movie tried to make the good Rev. A little more sympathetic. Hester hubby, Roger, was turned into a very angry man. Robert Duvall (who played Roger) sleep walked through the movie.

Gary Oldman, Demi Moore and Joan Plowright tried their best.

One problem was with the film is pacing. The film started out slowly. Then when Hester got pregnant the pace picked up and near the end of the film it moved at an incredibly fast pace. I think the film would have worked better if it was a mini series and we would have gotten to know the characters better especially Joan Plowright's, Harriet. Also, it would helped the viewer better understand the world the characters in lived in.

It was nice Demi had her kids in the movie however it threw off the timeline. Did the film take place in a matter of months or years. She had her newborn daughter (Tallulah) as the baby Pearl. Shortly after the birth, there was either a time skip or the baby had a sudden unexplained growth spurt ala American Horror Story Apocalypse. Toddler Pearl was played by Demi's two year old daughter Scout. I guess no one wanted a continuity error so Scout ended up playing toddler Pearl because she looked liked her little sister.

The dialogue was a bit wonky and the accents were passable to the untrained ear.

The aftermath of the movie's climax was left literally in the dust.
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