Congrats Disney! You made the prequels look good.
11 December 2020
The prequels had consistent story telling, world building and good characters. And the titles for the prequels were true to form unlike the sequels. Rise of Skywalker should be retitled: The Fall Of The Skywalkers.

I was excited to see the sequels. Force Awakens was a good start then it all went down hill in the second movie. Rey was a Mary Sue from start to finish. Po and Finn both were good characters with potential in the Force Awakens became useless sidekicks in the third film. All three characters had no chemistry with each other.

Kylo Ren was a good character however after the two people in his life (his dad and uncle) who created an internal struggle within him died, so did his motivation. The final film, Kylo was just there, doing things because his internal conflict was gone. And that made him boring.

The kiss between Rey and Kylo was hilarious.

The film was disconnected and disjointed.

Lando did nothing to add to the plot. He was placed in the film for nostalgia.

The movie is a sad ending to a great film franchise.
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