Review of Marianela

Marianela (1940)
Sensitive and touching film well directed by Benito Perojo with extremely theatrical interpretations
19 December 2020
Marianela : Mary Carrillo , or La Nela , as people call her , is an unfortunate and distressed orphan girl who lives in a small village in the Asturian mining basin . Her best friend is Pablo : Julio Peña , a blind young Man, son of a wealthy father : Jesús de Tordesillas who wants to marry him to his cousin : Maria Mercader . The poor waif Nena usually walks with Pablo who is love with her .

An enjoyable and agreeable film with great feeling and high sensibility . The film is acceptable but being spoiled by stagy acting and a really sentimental theme . Based on a prestigious novel by the notorious writer Benito Pérez Galdos , being adapted by another famous writer Álvarez Quintero . It displays adecuate production design and appropriate score by Gudiri . As well as evocative cinematography in Black and white , being shot in Orphea studios and location in Asturian mines and Tossa de Mar . There is another version: Marianela 1972 by Angelino Fons with Rocio Durcal , Jose Suárez, Alfredo Mayo, German Cobos.

The motion picture was professionally directed by Benito Perojo , though it results to be some dated and corny . Perojo was a powerful productor and director who created his own company , directing and producing a lot of films. He often made dramas , musical, Zarzuela, comedy movies, such as El Hombre que tenia el alma Blanca 1934 , Es my Hombre , and Verbena de la Paloma . During Spanish Civil Was he shot three films in Germany : El Barbero de Sevilla, Suspiros de España , Mariquilla Terremoto and two in Italy : Los Hijos de la Noche , La Última Falla . He returns Spain directing Marianela and Goyescas with the great Imperio Argentina . After going to Argentine where he directs nine films and ultimately he goes back Spain , becoming an important producer financing a great number of movies as Doña Francisquista by Ladislao Vadja , Novio a la Vista by Berlanga , La Fierecilla domada by Antonio Roman , Carmen la de Ronda by Tulio Demicheli, Las Aventuras de Don Juan by John Berry and many others
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