The truth isn't in here
24 December 2020
To borrow from another tv show: 'I want to believe' - however this didn't help with that. I'd heard some of the debunking of Steven Greer beforehand but thought I'd give this a watch, even if just for entertainment value. The first 40ish minutes are reasonably interesting and there are some interesting theories (though perhaps people with scientific backgrounds would immediately dismiss). Beyond that however it just descends into rubbish. Some of the claims made relating to meditation/Buddhism etc are beyond laughable and almost insulting (and I say that from having in depth knowledge and experience of both). It then goes on to show a series of 'ufo' clips, most of which have been debunked as being Chinese lanterns etc.

This is the first time I've seen Greer beyond the odd clip. Maybe he is telling the truth but to me he has no credibility, and the fact he is given such platforms is quite sad and worrying. I mean he talks about how he has briefed senior government officials and infers he's been privy to confidential meetings when actually he's never worked for the government. Yeh some might say 'that's because it's all secret' but to me theyre just obvious signs of a con. Reminds me a bit of nick pope who has made a career off of having worked in the UK ministry of defence, even though he was only an extremely junior employee who likely had zero access to anything interesting - at least though pop actually can claim some knowledge of how government works.
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