Horror Hotel (2013– )
Fan for life!
18 January 2021
A lot of people say they are Lamia's biggest fan but I've claimed it longest. Sorry but it's true! I have watched since day 1 when it was just on the internet! It sure has changed!! But for the good! So much attention to detail and always making it better for the viewers. I grew up in Cleveland watching Ghoulardi. It was the greatest! I was a big fan but Lamia somehow turns the host concept upside down - in a good way. I read reviews that said she is like Robert Osborn for horror movies and agree. It is nice to learn more about these movies I grew up with and see movies I never saw before. There is just enough goofing around and skits to give it that old school host feel but without being too much or taking away from the movie. I HATE when they take away from the movie with voice overs and goofy sounds or interruptions. Lamia doesn't do that! I am a fan for LIFE!~
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