Review of Tenet

Tenet (2020)
Absolute Drivel
23 January 2021
WOW, I never ever thought I'd see the day with Nolan, however, here it is. I've turned this absolute drivel off after 1 hour and 30 minutes of boredom.... and this becomes only the 3rd film (as in a proper budget film) that I've ever turned off...

So, where do I start:

1). The sound and musical soundtrack is one of the worst I've ever heard going from one extreme to another with zero flow or class (watching the 4k version disc). It's a crass bombastic noise fest one minute (even when not that much happening on screen) and then it's a muffled mess.

2). The lead being John David Washington is one of the dullest leading me performances I've seen in a long long time. Absolutely no screen presence or charisma to be leading a film like this... astoundingly bad.

3). What the hell is it with Nolan and flipping between aspect ratios. I love the fact that for years (used exceptionally in The Dark Night) he uses IMAX footage... however when he's done this in the past and gone full screen he's done it at the right time where it enhances the film in action scenes etc. In this, he's just randomly flipping the aspect ratio, switching between 2.20:1 and 1.78:1 at the most seemingly random momentswhenever he feels the need and it becomes tiresome!

4). If I get 1 hour and 30 minutes into a film, I expect to have a story... absolutely nothing here of interest... I'm sure it all becomes clear later on and we actually get a story, I'm sure we do. However, I simply don't even want to know what that story is.

This to me is the first time in his career he's produced bloated, bland, noisy incomprehensible garbage and I'm still in shock, I've been a fan of his work for many years now and he's never let me down but this... this 4k disc at £20 will be used as a frisbee for the dog.

1/10 it will be getting from me and how the hell this has peoples attention is beyond me. I reckon we could've just started the film where I left it after 90 minutes and carry from there lol. TEDIOUS ON A WHOLE NEW SCALE I DIDN'T THINK WAS POSSIBLE!
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