Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (2015 Video Game)
What Resident Evil 6 should have been
7 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After enjoying the first Resident Evil Revelations I decided to pick up it's sequel after hearing good things and I must say it did not disappoint. Resident Evil Revelations 1 was a breath of fresh air for the franchise, making the shooting controls tighter than ever and returning to the series' horror roots (For the most part) Revelations 2 continues down this path but is at the same time, a very different game to it's predecessor. The episodic format is back and honestly it works a lot better here; In the first game I could have taken or left it but here there is very little backtracking, which makes moving from location to location and episode to episode feel more natural. The story is intriguing and the tone is quite a bit darker than even the other Resident Evil games, feeling almost like Saw at points. This game definitely wants to get back under your skin after years of action based Resident Evils and I think, for the most part, it succeeds. The new enemy designs are gross and the invisible larvae/human hybrids that lay their young on your broken body are really quite frightening. This time round the story is cut into two play-throughs like in past titles but here they happen alongside each other, having to play through both simultaneously to get the full picture. Each of these 2 storylines has 2 characters; Timeline 1 has fan favourite Claire Redfield and Moira Burton, a likeable foul mouthed young woman with a traumatising past hanging over her every action, and timeline 2 has RE Classic alumni Barry Burton making a return in search for his daughter alongside Natalia, a mysterious young girl who can sense infected from a distance. The story is a semi sequel to Revelations 1, making references to Terragrigia and the FBC but is much more of a continuation of Resident Evil 5, 2 and 1, providing a solid continuation to the Oruboros virus introduced in 5 as well as a new chapter in the lives of Barry and Claire. In my humble opinion, THIS is what Resident Evil 6 should have been. A few extra notes before I leave you are the soundtrack, which is fantastic and atmospheric and the voice acting which is enjoyably cheesy at worst and emotionally engaging at best. Not too much bad to say about this one, up there with some of the best Resi games if you ask me. Strong 8 out of 10
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