Great Breaking News
10 February 2021
Paul Greengrass and Tom Hanks return for the first time since 2013s Captain Phillips, in News of the World Hanks gives a phenomenal performance (no shock there) as former Civil War soldier turned newsreader Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd. Here really shows his paternal side as his life takes a turn when he comes into contact with a lost 10-year-old Kiowa girl, and the two embark on a long journey across Texas facing many dangers along the way. But Hanks isn't the only one to take a turn because behind the camera Greengrass has stepped out of his comfort zone with this, he doesn't usually give us a slow yet an incredibly absorbing drama, in fact quite the opposite he usually gives us tense thrillers, while this may be a step out for him. It's also a step in for him as he seems very much at home, thus making News of the World a success. Granted it does suffer from narrative issues down the road but you can always rely on Hanks pulling out a trick up his sleeve yet again he's an absolute joy to watch and when the action slams into place both Hanks and Greengrass crank up the mayhem. Greengrass delivers again and it might even be safe to say that he should go down this road again, or maybe another genre he hasn't tried, let's hope it stars Hanks again as these two are dynamic together. And it shows. 4/5.
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