Review of Brother

Star Trek: Discovery: Brother (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Decent enough episode, but there are some scenes I struggle with
15 February 2021
Enterprise Captain Pike joins the Discovery to investigate a crashed starship on an asteroid.

This is a mostly entertaining episode with some strong visuals, interesting characters but suffers from poor dialogue more revisionist Trek history.

I have to admit that the story is pretty intriguing, as the red signals and involvement of Captain Pike is something that compels me to find out what happens next.

Some of the visuals are great, such as the elevator sequence and most of the scenes on the downed starship. However, one high-adrenaline sequence felt like it was included for nothing other than pure spectacle. I imagine it to be the type of thing that irritates the hardcore Trekkies, as it is not just inconsistent with the established technology of the franchise, but serves no point other than to showcase effects and offer a quick action thrill.

Speaking of inconsistency, the plot looks to be ploughing ahead with more revisionism with the Spock, Sarek and Michael Burnham character history. If this arc turns out to be exceptionally good, then I won't complain, but if not, they need to come up with a very good reason why Spock and Sarek would never have mentioned Burnham or the events depicted in Discovery.

My only real complaint is that the dialogue again suffers from the most awkward and obvious exposition. The most memorable for me is Burnham's line "Commander Saru, I know your vision has a larger optical window than ours. Can you make out the registry number?" which made me cringe a bit. Surely a better way of getting this across would have been for Saru just to have read it and have the others looked impressed.

Discovery hasn't lost me yet, but I can feel my interest starting to waver a bit.
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