Don't listen to the negative reviews, this movie was actually pretty good
16 February 2021
You shouldn't pay too much attention to the negative reviews because this film was actually kind of funny and probably one of the better comedies to come out in quite a while. Sure, the second half might drag a little bit, however the actor's chemistry and some of the memorable exchanges of dialogue make up for most of this film's flaws. Also, Emma Watson's acting isn't that great, but I feel as some people are taking a movie like this too seriously. It's a raunchy R rated apocalypse comedy with Seth Rogen, Franco, and those guys, what did you expect? The acting and script are overall good, but the pacing could've been better. Overall, it's not as good as 40 Year Old Virgin or Superbad, but it's way better than some of the scathing audience reviews would tell you. It got a positive rating of 83% from the critics on Rotten Tomatoes, I have to say that they were right about this movie and the IMDb audiences were kind of harsh. If you like Seth Rogen and James Franco's brand of humor, you'll get into this movie. It's not an excellent film by any means, but it should be a fun enjoyable time for people that are into something that's different.
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