Fight of Fury (2020)
An INSULT To The Memory Of BRUCE LEE !
26 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I got to watching around just over 8 minutes of the film and I was furious, and disgusted, by this lame mockery. I forced myself to watch the next 1 hour and 2 minutes of this trash just so I would be sure that it was as bad to the end. IT WAS! Shuny Bee keeps saying that his movies etc are tributes to Bruce Lee; I think he is full of crap and uses the late masters name to project his own image.

If you do go ahead and do the dreaded viewing of this garbage you will see he try's (and fails abysmally) to copy Bruce (Lee) in every way; even to the point of attempting to copy Bruce's trademark scary catlike vocal sounds he used to make as he fought (psychologically intended to scare the hell out of an opponent). Everybody always describes a bad film as the worst you will ever see. Me! I know it isn't so because whatever anyone of you could put up as the worst you have ever seen, this (and most likely his other 2 films) will be 10 times worse! As a Martial Artist and a Martial Arts fan of over 40 years I know that Bruce would be insulted by this mans way of going on. It insulted Bruce, it insulted me and it insults the true 'Way of the Spirit' (a term/phrase I coined when I was18 years old for what I thought Martial Arts was all about). My verdict on Fight Of Fury: An EMBARRASSING piece of RUBBISH!
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