Review of Petunia

Petunia (2012)
Wacky, crazy family and assorted characters!!!
11 March 2021
Saw this on Tubi and laughed all the way through. Good acting and funny script. The humor is often counter culture, somewhat like the Munsters, where spreading dust in the Munster's house was considered "cleaning". Or planting grab grass instead of Kentucky blue grass was considered the most attractive option. In Petunia, we have a recently wedded young bride who obviously isn't ready to settle down and have a baby. Monogamy for her is a bad idea and she wastes no time sleeping around after taking her vows. The movie ends on happy notes. Word of caution....if you think the use of the F word is never funny, then DO NOT watch this movie. I didn't think it was over used, and where it was used, it was a hilarious.
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