Eerie and mysterious terror movie about a grief-stricken young woman who moves to a haunted house
14 March 2021
A ghost tale based on a story by novelist Peter Straub, containing thrills , chills , creepy events and plot twists . Central character is an unsettling , deranged woman : Mia Farrow whose daughter is suddenly dead by an apple choking . Then, the disturbing mother separates her husband : Keir Dullea and to overcome her loss , she moves to a weird mansion where happens strange happenings. As it results to be a haunted house and later on, things go awry . There she is slowly destroyed by the ghost of an evil long-dead child . She had no one to play for thirty years...!

The narrative of this frightening movie juggles ambiguously throwing up the classic issue of haunted house and adding the scary kid threatening the starring . The film takes parts here and there of other films as "The Turn of the Screw" , "Don't Look Now", "Amytiville" , and "Rosemary's Baby" , concerning terror plots , as well as mingling usual themes as dead children , corrupted innocence , introversion, possession , guilt , haunted house, etc ...Mia Farrow gives an acceptable acting by showing a fragile air of neurotic self-possession due to her child has recently dead . She is well accompanied by a good cast with plenty of prestigious British actors and familiar faces, such as : Keir Dullea , Tom Conti, Jill Bennett, Robin Gammell , Edward Hardwicke , Peter Sallis, Mary Morris, Nigel Havers, Sophie Ward, Cathleen Nesbitt , among others .

It displays a softly chilling and eerie musical score by Colin Towns . Equally, a dark and sinister cinematography by Peter Hannah. The motion picture was slowly but decently directed by Richard Loncraine . Richard is a good Brit craftsman with a long career from the Seventies, being his film debut : Flame and directing movies of all kinds of genres with penchant for dramas , such as : Finding your feet, 5 flights up, Firewall, Wimbledon, Richard III , Brimstone and Treacle, The missionary, among others. Rating : 6/10. Acceptable terror movie, but neither notable, not extraordinary, but passable. The film will appear to horror genre aficionados and Mia Farrow fans.
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