22 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Although I am a big fan of Ingrid Berman and Anthony Quinn this movie was a bust. The premise was that Libby's (Ingrid Bergman)husband (Fritz Weaver)while on sabbatical rented a cottage nowhere(note its a beautiful house completely furnished with a well stocked kitchen and matching dinnerware some of which Libby broke) so he could write a textbook about the Supreme Court and Libby while in the mountains of Tennessee finds fulfillment and romance. However this is not the nostalgic romantic reminiscence. Bill(Anthony Quinn) the house caretaker greets her with the most leecherous grin you can imagine and never lets up. Libby reacts in a sort of lets rip off our clothes and go at it and see you later so of way . Not much in lyric romanticism Then there are the kids or lack of them I should say - Bill seems to have one son who hates him although we are given very little insight as to why something about jealousy - of what - his prowess with neighborhood women. What I find odd was that Bill and his wife did not have a pascal of children and grandchildren even the scene at the county fair was not full of kids - perhaps an explanation of the loss of children might have left one unhappy son and a religious mania from Bill's wife. And I could not help but wonder why Libby did not think to bring her grandson to this beautiful summer place . I know her husband did not like the 5 year old but the outdoors, goats, other children would certainly have kept him out of the way Finally I could not help but laugh when we went from snow covered ground to full green scenery being called early spring
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