24 March 2021
"Tristan tiene unos lentes maravillosos con los que ve el mundo. Solo él los tiene."

This film has the best representation of autism that I have seen in a fiction film. I truly believed that Tristan was autistic throughout the film. I really liked the film. It has beautiful images of an Argentina coastline and lost of orcas. I just found the ending a little anticlimactic. What happens to Tristan, Beto, and Lola in the end? I know they have some text telling you what happened to the real people this film is based on, but I would have like to see a little bit of that at the end instead of reading it. As it is I had to read the English/Turkish subtitle to watch the film, so only having a text ending was disappointing.

I think I might watch it again without the subtitle so I can better enjoy the imagery.
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